
Windows live part 1: Writer

Like I said in a previous post I recently ditched gmail (good timing) leading me to find hotmail which comes with a suit of other kool services, including "Writer". Writer is blog post composer (for lack of a better term). When first launched it asks you if you have a blog or if you want to start a new one (threw its own blogging service), I said I already had one, then simply put in my blog's url, it saw I was using blogger, configured it's self appropriate and simply prompted me for my user id/password. That was it. I have composed my last few posts simply and easily with it. It beats using the blogger web composer because:

1. I can compose offline.

2. Better spell check.

3. More formatting options.

4. Kool plug-ins that make simple tasks like embedding images, tables and maps easier. There is even a gallery of fun easy to include plug-ins. 5. Hyper linking is much easier.


This free tool is definitely worth trying out, it integrates easily and fully, and adds a lot of functionality. I will soon post on the other live services.

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